Friday, May 19, 2017

What does worshipping God actually mean?

What does it mean to worship God (or Allah) ?

This is my view. And it is similar to the Sufi view as well as other mystic traditions I believe.

If you hear someone eg a teenager say "I worship that singer" what does it mean to you?
Does it mean they have fallen very deeply in love with them? Their room maybe full of posters adoring that singer. And their talk will revolve constantly about him and what their next album is and what he said in his latest song etc. It's as if that artist has taken full control of their mind. And they will become very loyal to him/her. And the singer will become their idol. And an idol is another name for a god ( from idolatry meaning multiple gods).

The above is what true worship is. A deep falling-in-love. And the thing you love becomes your god (the idol ). So if God (or Allah, or Jehova etc) says in its book that it created man to worship it then what does that mean? Or if he says that we were created to worship it, what does that mean? It means, to me, that it wants us to know it, discover it ( as it is hidden and invisible ) and then fall in love with it. But why would we fall in love with it? It must therefore be something amazing. Eg truly unlimited in all powers. Can really and actually do everything. Even magic of all sorts (real magic not fake). Something beyond what we can imagine. And at the same time be wise and intelligent. How is that for an idol !Will it beat a pop star? This is close to what my understanding of worshipping God/Allah/Jehova etc means. This is the essence and how it was meant to be understood originally. Until the church and priesthood done a hijacking and turned it into fear and forced obedience and threats of Hell. This is were we are today. And we have been here for such a long time too. A great big misunderstanding of God and worship. And it explains why we are spiritually lost. For who wants to worship an evil dictator as a god? No one. Hence religion has become a moot subject. Mostly filled with understandable negatives.

Enter the new age. The so called Golden age that some believe humanity is currently approaching (I do too ). What's going to change in it? A very good question. The picture of God will change. From an evil dictator eager to throw us in Hell to something completely different. What ?

The real God I believe has the following characteristics (at least):
1- Not evil at all. But the opposite. Very fair and just.  And also full of love.
2- God is beautiful and wonderful as well as amazing. Able to design things and materialise things.
3- That he/it/she created us humans and brought us down here on this planet for a short period of testing and learning. As well as training.
4- That those who think and use their mind correctly will be the winners. Whilst those who follow others blindly will be amongst the losers. So it's vital to be able to think for ourselves and develop an independent mind. Conditioning and dogma is not the way. Questioning and full curiosity is. As well as courage to challenge all thoughts. These minds we have , God wants us to use them. And not to refrigerate them. So get them churning. [ A side note to those who think religion is just blind faith and dogma : you haven't seen anything of true religion yet and you have a big wake up ahead of you]
5- There is a plan and there is a guidance. If we seek the guidance and play a role in that plan then prepare for an amazing life and for great success in the next one.
6- The foundation for this change within each one of us I believe is to remove the current picture of God that we have (brutal dictator) and replace it with a completely new picture. This new foundation is seriously vital. Without it, no significant change can happen I think. We need to know ( and discover) how the true amazing God is. A vital prerequisite.

Below is an article that can help in that:
"Logic for the existence of the Devine Spirit"

Now going back to what worshipping God now means , under this new understanding. It means that once we think and ponder and discover God we will actually fall in love with him. (Note I use him/it/her interchangeably because god is not a human but above human. And is neither male nor female. And using "it" doesn't always feel correct. God is unique).

So if we fall in love with God what does that mean? It means , to me at least, that we will find him/it as truly amazing and worthy of being loved and amazed with. But the journey to this state maybe long depending on how much impurity we have to cleanse ourselves and hearts off. It can be a long journey. But once arrived it will be a new life. A new beginning. Born again sort of thing. Good luck to you.


PS: Some religious folk already see God as love and goodness. This article isn't for you. You have already travelled far and been resistant to TV conditioning.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I enjoyed reading this Ali, I will write to you soon with a reply. Thanks
