Monday, May 15, 2017

Are we part of God or separate ?

Are we all part of God or are we separate from God?
There are those who are on one side and those on the other.
My view is that although it sounds nice to be part of God and that everything is thus one etc that I think the other side is right. I also thought if both can be true at the same time but concluded they cannot.

So why i do I think we are separate? Apart from the obvious ( eg that I know I'm not God and so I am separate, or when we pray to God who are we praying to? Ourselves or something outside us?) , I can now present my view of unity. What does unity mean when we are separate from God?
If we believe that God is unique from all things and that He is infinite and everything else ( ie God's creatures) are finite (meaning limited) then it means that everything in totality compared to God is zero. ie nothing. Because the sum of all finite things is also finite. So all of us compared to God are nothing. And so God on his own is everything effectively. Like in maths 1/infinity is zero. And a million/infinity is also zero. A trillion is also zero etc.

So if we are nothing and God is everything then this perspective is superior to the "we are all part of God" for the following reasons:
1- It removes the ego very well. As we believe we are nothing in comparison to him. So there is no room for the ego. And removing the ego is an essential core to enter the garden of spirituality (see for example the film Awake aka "the autobiography of a guru"). Whereas if you think you are part of God there is still some residual ego there. ie You think you are important because you think you are part of the Devine.
2- If the Devine is everything and we (nothings) connect with him then how do we feel? If we see It as beautiful and loving then how will that reflect on us? It will bring love and beautify into our hearts too would it not? And we will see everything as His creation and so love and wonder at it too. Gleaning from the creation, signs about its creator, the Devine Being. We humans also become brothers and sisters from the same family (Adam and Eve) and here I'm talking at the soul level rather than the body level. We are spiritual souls residing in material bodies. The soul is the important thing I think.
So the unity comes when we become so small and tiny in our own eyes that we dissolve and see only our beautiful and amazing creator. At this moment , of no ego , we become united with the beloved and enjoy a feeling of ecstasy and euphoria which is both beautiful and pure. When our ego is melted away through acknowledging our nothingness and experiencing the pure Devine love .

And so this is how I see unity. We are separate but at the same time negligible compared to Source. And hence Source unites us into one union when we dissolve the ego away. And it seems that love and intellect are the powers that do this melting and dissolving. This the union with Source is established.

Comments welcome


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