Tuesday, May 16, 2017

My understanding of politics in Islam

My understanding of politics in Islam.

Main points:

  1. The main law is justice and fairness for all citizens of the state whether Muslim or not.
  2. People choose what laws they rule by. They are not forced.
  3. The state allows for parties of all ideologies( thoughts ) to be set up and the majority party gets to rule. Regardless if it's Muslim or not. No forcing on the people is allowed.
  4. All thoughts are allowed in the state and freedom of thought is encouraged and protected. Whatever thought that may be.
  5. Humans are free thinkers. Not sheep. They change their ruling system as they see best and through a fair political process.

This is how I see the Islamic political system. And one can call it khilafah or whatever. The main component is a fair political system for all individuals in society. Because fairness is a fundamental law in Islam. And forcing people isn't allowed.

Needless to say this isn't how the Islamic state was for most of its time because soon after the first 4 Caliphs someone called Muawiya took over in a coup and changed the system into dictatorship and monarchy. And muslims got turned into obedient  sheep with the priests conditioning them to love being sheep and not to think. The corrupted priests/sheikhs are the equivalent of what the media do to people in the West today. Brainwashing into sheep mode and removing independent thought.  And using fear to control people. Instead of Hell they use the fear of the T word.

Happy to be challenged in any part. And feedback and comments all welcome.


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