Thursday, May 18, 2017

Are Muslims allowed to vote in a secular system?

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem
(In the name of Allah the very merciful and the very good)

This question and the debate seems to come up every election with people like HT (Hizb ut tahrir) and some salafi/wahabi groups saying no because it means we believe in a non Islamic system when we participate in the voting process. Others like sheikh Imran Hossein (not salafi or wahabi) argue that it means you are saying that sovereignty doesn't belong to Allah when you vote and that it belongs to the people (and for him this is unislamic).

On the other side, others says it's fine to vote because you are choosing the lesser of two evils and so doing a benefit to society. And others may say it's a duty to vote so that you help in benefitting society.

My current view is that it's a duty to benefit society and hence we should vote for the party we think is best for the society. I feel in the uk that Corbyn is an honest politician and so he is 1000 times better than the Tories who I feel are liars and are controlled by the Elite and the deep state much more than Labour under Corbyn. So all people (Muslim and otherwise ) should vote for honesty and anti Elite.

The fact that both parties carry laws that aren't Islamic isn't the point. The point is to help get the best party that we can in power. And today I think it's labour under Corbyn. And I see this as a Muslim duty because muslims should be good and positive citizens. And it doesn't mean we believe in all labour policies. Just we feel it is the better party. And by a significant margin.

This is my view.
Furthermore my thinking also is that a secular state is actually an Islamic state as long as it allows an Islamic party to exist and get voted for. People can then choose which party (and hence which laws they want in power ). I don't see any contradiction with Islam on this. In fact the opposite, I feel and believe this is Islam. True Islam. The other version of Islam that currently exists ( it maybe called political Islam or Islamism) is all about forcing people to have just one type of party ( Islamic ). And only one type of law ( Islamic ). To me this isn't Islamic. True Islam for me is about giving people freedom. They choose for themselves if they want Islam or non Islam. This is how Allah/God wants people in a society to be. To be free to choose how they want to live and not have a minority imposing their view on them and creating an unfree dictatorship. In fact this is why many muslims come to the West. To enjoy the freedom that exists. So there is plenty of hypocrisy amongst us muslims today.

Ali Twaij
Political Sufi
Non sectarian 

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