Sunday, December 31, 2017

Science without belief and science with belief, a comparison.

Science without belief and science with belief, a comparison.

Today’s science is empirical and materialistic. If there is something it cannot see or sense then it shuts itself down and says nothing about it. It believes it should only talk about what it can see and measure. Even if there is a logical necessity for something to exist it will say since it cannot measure it then it will say nothing about it. And nor will it consider any theories that temporarily assume its existence. From that viewpoint it is very timid and scared. Scared to imagine something that exists that it cannot measure. So one can say it is a weak science. One that is scared to stretch itself outside it’s comfort zones.

Enter the science of belief. Many in the West may start laughing here, believing only their science is a true science. And that science based on belief in a creator entity is a very silly proposition. After all , religion has been proven to be of little use and mainly causes problems. We are now in a civilised era where religion has been debunked and any notion of a divine entity made irrelevant and insignificant in general. Especially if you listen to the media.

The above is the current western mindset that we eat and drink everyday in the West generally. Materialism is the new Divine. The new god to worship.

Enter the new paradigm shift that I believe may take us into a new age that is coming upon us. Known as the golden age. In it, materialism is mixed with spirituality 50:50 roughly. Creating a balanced world environment.

What is this Belief Science. Is it creationism / intelligent design or what ? You can say it is a bit of that but more. So here goes. The existence of a creator entity is not hard to show. Only if you have spiritual blindness can you not see it. Eg where does everything we see come from ? Something or Nothing. Or is what we see eternal and always existed ? The designs that exist in our world eg how the kidney works to purify our blood daily, is that design simply by chance or is there an Intelligence behind it ? Maybe many are ok to consider by chance but over millions of billions of years and then eventually these designs all came. No doubt many think like this today. And for me this is a type of conditioning that we have been subjected to but have not woken up to or realised. Eg that the universe came by chance and thus  from nothing. All very nice , simple mind conditioning. Put out a story and repeat it, then more and more will believe it.

So now i give to you a new conditioning and so you can now choose which conditioning is more likely to be true and which conditioning you would desire to be true. You may also think that both are of equal value. Each reader may come to their own unique conclusion.

The Belief based Science :
Key in this is not religion but understanding the nature of the creator entity and the logical necessity for its existence. What we see cannot come from nothing but must be from something. And so that we don’t go into an infinity chain of what does that something in turn come from we have to realise that the last something in the chain must be eternal ( ie no beginning). This will stop the chain and deliver it’s answer. But if this is hard to grasp and you like the infinite chain view then even this leads to an eternal entity. How ? An infinite chain is an eternal chain of things. And so that thing becomes itself an eternal entity. So you still come to the existence of an eternal thing whichever way you go.

So what about the unique nature of an eternal thing. This is where things now go very amazing. Why. Because an eternal thing means it was never designed. So it has no definition laid down on it. No blue print as the engineers would say. So what is this thing that has not been defined and yet must exist ? And what properties will it have ?
The answer I believe is that it will be infinite in all aspects. Eg knowledge , power , sight, Intelligence , life, freedom , ability to reason etc etc etc. Why ? Because there is no one to put a limit on it. On how it can be. Hence it must be an amazing thing.
This is definitely something that is worth exploring further and also verifying. It’s a very new concept for our age. An age that doesn’t think deeply and is scared to imagine beyond the material. We need to wrap our minds around this concept so we can encapsulate it’s meaning and consequences. And the more thinking and contemplation we do around this the more our mind is able to expand and break out of this tiny matrix of limitation that we have built for ourselves and in which we live. True intellectual freedom comes through deep exploration of this concept I believe.  And I believe that one can explore it infinitely and still find more to explore. This is how powerful and awesome it is. It’s a concept humanity has lost touch with in our age and is living in negligence of. ie humanity has forgotten this concept and despite the power existent within it. The golden age represents a rediscovery of this concept and hence an awareness of this entity. What it’s relation to us is and so on. Who is willing to excavate on this path ? To create a new pathway in their mind. That connects them to this new world. The world of Science based on Belief. Belief in what ? Belief in this entity with its unique properties. Can this entity talk with us? Ofcourse it can. It is unlimited in ability. So it definitely can talk and argue and have a intellectual discourse with us.

In the many books it has sent to humanity it does this. Through its messengers and prophets in the history of humanity it has done this. But today such issues have been dismissed and the connection broken. We have lost touch. We are not linked in any more. We have stopped connecting the dots with it/ to it.

Belief based science is about being aware of it. Knowing what it has said. Knowing it’s personality and then re-understanding this world through this new framework. This gives us an entrance to a new world and we can exist this old one.

We have knowledge from it about what it has done before and how it portrays our history in its eyes. Who were those prophets and what happened. How peoples and societies were in the past. Also what about the future for humans. Those questions get answered.

But from the science perspective we now have a Nature that has been designed for human habitation. A universe that has been designed to show the awesome abilities of its maker to us. And we have each been given a lifetime in which to think and ponder over our presence and existence in this huge universe whilst living on a tiny rock.

We can look at the designs and see the intricate artwork. We can observe the rainbow and see the magic placed here. Also all the different creatures and their different designs. Those producing milk for us and those producing meat. Those producing fruit for us and those cleansing the air. A design that raises the Sun each day and then sets it so we can rest. This immaculate design has been operating yet most of us are not able to see it. Too busy going after our jobs and been filled with conditioning that it’s all to do with chance. No awareness of the concept and thus no connection with a framework.  Your heart pumping as you read this and your lungs expanding. And it’s all a chance thing we get told.

Belief based science is about to come in. Material based science about to have a spiritual skin. The golden age about to set in.

Recondition yourself to this new framework. Or at least try to see it side by side with the existing one. You may then see which is superior.

Ali Twaij
Sufi Muslim thinker

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