Saturday, October 7, 2017

An interesting verse in the Quran.

It says a day of your Lord is equivalent to 1000 years of ours.(Note this is also stated in the Bible)
And a year of ours is determined by the moon (lunar calendar). So when we calculate the total distance the moon travels around the earth over a period of 1000 years we get a certain very large distance. Now if we ask how long does it take Light to travel that big distance, the answer surprisingly is about 26.4 hrs in a rough calculation. So it is close. I havent done a exact calculation yet as would need to take account that the orbit is elliptical and not circular.


Distance from earth to moon (call it r for radius): 384,400 km
Distance the moon travels in one lunar month (ie 2𝝅r)
lunar month lasts 29.53 days. So after 12 lunar months, you're about about 354 days. So assume there are 12 lunar months in one year.

So distance traveled by moon in 1 year = 12 * 2𝝅r = 24𝝅r

So distance traveled in 1000 years is 24000𝝅r

Speed of light in vacuum is 299,792 kilometers per second (call it s)

Time= Distance / Speed

So time in seconds taken for light to travel that distance is 24000𝝅r/s

Time in days is that divided by 60*60*24  (secs mins hours)

Thus Time in days for light to travel the distance travels in 1000 earth years is 

   24000𝝅r           10 𝝅r
-----------------  = --------
s * 60*60*24       36 s

= 10 * 3.14159265359 * 384400/(36*299792)1.1189500795 days

I am off by 12% in my calculation. If the distance from earth to moon was 340,000 km instead of 384,400 km then it would be exact if it was a circular orbit. So if the moon was 12% closer (ie 40,000 km closer) then it would be accurate. The strange thing is that the difference between the semi major and semi minor axes of the elliptical orbit is 12% too ( so perhaps this may explain the innacuracy.

More details in this article

and this

Diameter of moon is 3,474 km
Diameter of earth is 12,742 km

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