Monday, December 30, 2019

The world of God !

What do I mean by the world of God ?

Its basically how we can think about God but in a positive way that leads to improvement of our life rather than applying unhelpful constraints on our life.

What again do I mean by that?

It means a way we can live with God being present but with us being happy with his presence rather than intimidated by threats of different kind.

How can we achieve that?

First we need to know where these threats of Hell come from. Generally they come from people who don't really understand the reality of life. Most likely they were taught that these are the teachings people must follow to be 'saved' and they accepted this teaching (wherever it may come from) as true, without challenging it or questioning it. So they tend to me small minded people because they haven't fully exercised their mind faculty yet. They simply take what they are given and follow. These kind, after a while, may realize that they were behaving stupid. Some though, may never be able to come out of that kind of mindset. They lock themselves into it. This may be a way for them to protect themselves from the uncertainties of life. So they cocoon themselves up like this. So one can try to help them come out of this fear of an uncertain life.

Now that we can dismiss those Hell warriors we can go after the real thing. The pure nectar of life. The thing that can seriously enhance our life. And this is the esoteric world. Or the more spiritual world. Here we simply start to use the intellect more on basic issues of life. From this questioning we can come out with some amazing realizations about life and existence that can really blow our minds and take us into new realms that were in front of us all the time but we were unable to see them at all.

Here is a sample of such thoughts:

  1. What is this life?
  2. The issue of what God is in the first place. 
    1. Also does it have a gender? If not then why do we say he ?
  3. What does God actually want from us?
  4. What's God personality like?, is he/it really a good entity?
  5. Why Heaven and Hell and death?
  6. What does God want from this set up that he put us in?
    1. Whats does he/it get out of it?
  7. What happens when you take the path towards knowing God and slowly enter the world of God?
    1. What happens to you?

Here are the answers I have got to so far in my search journey (my best efforts so far):

  1. Its a journey. This life we live in is a journey of thought and awareness for each and every one of us. Reflecting and thinking about our life (including learning any lessons from mistakes) is very important. This is where the progress comes from. Without it there is no ascendance in awareness or spiritual knowledge, I believe.
    1. From that angle the events that come to you are there to teach us some lessons. We should look at them as signals for us to get something from. Everything that is happening is happening for a purpose. There is a driver behind it. There is someone triggering things.
  2. God is an entity that was always there. No one defined it. There was no one to define it. It defined itself and chose the perfect definition. A perfect entity. Full of life and power. Neither male or female but he is generally used for reference. Has created many creatures. We are one kind of them. For each creature It has a purpose It created it. It lives and it enjoys itself in its life with its creatures. It lives a happy and perfect life. It interacts with its human creatures for change. It wants to improve us. To make us into better humans i believe. It gave us the ability to grow and change.
  3. What God wants from us?
    1. One can say nothing. He is not in need of us. He/It created us. He just wants to work on changing us to become better people, but without forcing us. He wants us to allow him to change us I think. We need to choose to let him/it into our lives. He gives us that choice.
  4. His/Its personality is perfect. Good, beautiful, kind , forgiving and thankful even. Patient, forbearing and guiding. And proud at the same time, as well as magnanimous and almighty !
  5. This life is a training period as well as a testing period. After it there is an assessment day (Judgement day). After assessment we are placed in a new eternal life. Some may go to Hell for a period and then Heaven. Others will go direct to Heaven, and in the highest of places. All depending on how we did in our first life in this universe. Its not a trivial matter. A very heavy one really. Many may be oblivious to it. Or look at is a myths and legends. This section maybe very hard to accept.
  6. This setup has been created to facilitate training , learning and testing. We get to see the consequences of our actions and decisions. We can learn from the results. Learning and changing is very important. Its ok to err, the Creator is very forgiving. But as long as we correct ourselves and learn.He gets to interact with us and try to improve us.
  7. Moving towards God (thinking about It and life) you will start to see life differently. New things will become important to you, and previous things will be of no concern anymore. A refocusing exercise. A new you is born. You reincarnate, and you keep reincarnating (ie discovering a new you as your awareness changes). You become a new person, you are 'born' again as it were. A new life. Some may not want this I suppose. Depends how much attached to their current life style and current self they are.You will also see yourself as a soul in a body rather than just body. The soul is the true you and the body just the box it is in. The soul arrives during pregnancy and is returned on death. So we are visitors only, to this planet.Whilst here we develop and perform actions and then leave.
  8. What God is doing is observing us. 
    1. While observing us he wants to develop us into better humans. He sees the kind of thinking we are doing in leading our life and wants to improve us and take us to higher levels of awareness and thought. So that better actions come out from us. But he doesnt want to force us to make those changes, he wants us to choose those changes ourselves. So he sends events that can help us move in such directions should we choose to. He is basically nurturing us. Bringing us up , helping us to grow spiritually (ie in awareness). But he does it in a beautiful way I believe, because its without force. He wants us to choose to allow him/it to change us. There is no force involved in our decision making. We can choose to deny him/it or to accept him/it. 100% our choice.
  9. The point of God changing us is to then assign for each of us a position in Heaven (not Hell). According to how well we have used our mind and developed, and according to the good that we have done whilst alive. Hell is for those who decided to reject God and wanted nothing to do with him or for those who decided to do evil instead of good during their life. There are also people that God does not like and will not help guide to Heaven but instead will pave a way for them to Hell, examples are arrogant people or those who repeatedly choose evil over good.
    1. One can ask why God would put in Hell those who choose to deliberately ignore and reject him/it. I think its a choice that it has made and its up to us whether to live with that or not. Some may choose to reject God because of that choice of his. They are free to do that. There is total freedom here. He has given us this total freedom in choice. So we should choose wisely as there maybe consequences. We each drive our lives to the destinations that are available. In the books of communications (eg the Quran/Bible etc) God has clarified about such issues. But note that some books may have been distorted by man. But please note that God's nature is good and not evil. But that he is proud too, and will not accept challenge from creatures that he made. Arrogance is not accepted from creatures. Only He/It has the right to be arrogant and proud. He/It is king of all existence and all worlds. I think it it this area that some may have difficulty as they may not be able to accept a proud God. Or they cannot see how an entity can be both proud and good at the same time. This is the uniqueness of this entity. It is very unique.
    2. As for those who choose not to reject Him/It they are the very lucky ones in my view. Because they have found their happiness and also been able to contain and restrict their ego. Having an even medium size ego is a killer when it comes to being able to reach God. God will not tolerate any ego (false pride) among its creatures. In Islam this is the reason why Satan was cast to Hell. He said he was better than Adam. Satan's ego was raised , and he paid for it severely. From that day he hated all humans. That is why he whispers to us to commit evil or reject God. Because he knows that Hell would be the consequence. Satan by the way is of a class of creature known as Djinn in Islam (beings we cannot see. There are good and bad Djinns and have free choice too). Satan is the leader of the bad Djinn I believe.
Already in my answers I think I have taken the reader far. I suspect each will be thinking according to their inner state. And then each will make their own 100% free choice about where to go next. Let me know what you think so far please. Can I improve on something? Are there any other important questions I have missed?

Ali Twaij

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