Saturday, September 17, 2016

An awake person vs a sleeping person

My definition of an awake person:
Someone who thinks for themselves, has a curious mind, is a truth seeker and is self aware.
Awake people don't all have the same beliefs. But they all are truth seeking i believe.
An asleep person:
Someone who lets others think for them. Doesn't question what they are told. Happy to go along with the crowd.
One sees, the other is blinded.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Earth is at centre of universe it seems

Amazing: Earth is at centre of universe. Universe rotates around earth it seems. Scientifically proven but current science won't allow it in. Biased. Explainion starts from min 4:20. Hard to believe i know.
Watch "002 Dr. Robert Sungenis 'Geocentrism / Geoc

Earth at centre of universe theory film here:

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Imagination and belief

If you can't ever imagine there is a good creator then how can you ever believe there is one. You will not be able to.
Imagination must come first.
Imagination doesn't mean you believe in it.
Nor does it mean it is true.
Just means you can see something in your mind.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Conversion with an atheist.

Atheist: " can you demonstrate to me that God exists?"
Theist:" ok so if there is a creator then there should be a creation. Do you agree?"
Atheist:" yeah i think so"
Theist: " you sure mate?"
Atheist:" em yeah"
Theist:" ok then you are the creation. And me and everything else around us.
Demonstration concluded.
Do you believe now that there is a creator?"
Atheist:" No"
Atheist:" i can't see God"
Theist:" i thought You wanted a demonstration?"
Atheist:"no i must see him also"
Theist:" ok if you saw God would you believe in him?"
Atheist:" Ofcourse"
Theist:" How do i know you wouldn't just deny it was God and say it was something else or a trick of the eye or magic etc?"
Atheist:" No no i will accept"
Theist: " Really."
Atheist:" yes"
Theist:" i don't believe you"
Atheist:" ok then"
Theist:" ok".

Where does this lead?