Sunday, June 30, 2013

Logic for The Creator of Everything

There is actually logic for the Creator of everything.

The first part is obvious.  But it's the second part that is amazing:

First part :
Does everything we see come from nothing or from something?
Obviously it cannot come from nothing.  Therefore it must come from Something.
(feel free to challenge this)

Second part :
So what is that Something and how is its nature?

1- Since everything came from it then it follows that it must be eternal.  Otherwise it would have to have come from something else. But then it would not be the thing that everything comes from. So therefore it must be eternal.
[Note that it's important that this concept is fully digested before proceeding]

2- If you agree that it is eternal then that means it exists without having been created. So imagine something that exists that hasn't actually been created ! Strange isn't it.

Is that possible you may ask?  How many things do we know that exist without being first created? None? Maybe time?  Maybe space.  Maybe the Universe? ?
So that's 4 out of the billions of things that exist. But then time, space and the Universe could have all come from that something we talked about. So it could be that only that something is like that.

Ok so we are now looking at this eternity concept and seeing what it means; when applied to an entity, or thing. ie its not been created  ... yet it exists.
And must exist as otherwise we are saying that everything came from nothing and that is not possible. (If possible then how? )
(Note that we havent said it must be a physical object with physical content etc. The nature of its composition has not been entered into thus far. It could for example be a spiritual entity ie without position or volume in space. Wierd.)

3-  (if you're still following this then excellent.  It's all relatively new stuff)
So if we accept that everything came from something that is not created and is eternal then what can be said about its properties or attributes /characteristics ?

Well if something hasn't been created then it means that no one has designed it.
And that means that no one has placed any limits on it. Because when you design something you put limits on it eg its colour,  size , power , knowledge,  strength, life and all characteristics. All its parameters are unlimited when it is not created. This is the wierd thing. So what does it mean to have something that is unlimited in all parameters?

Its amazing!
It means we have something that literally knows everything and can really and seriously do really everything.  Its an amazing concept.  How many things do we know that can literally do ALL things? None!
But this Thing can.

4- Ok, its also free so therefore it can do anything it likes.  It is unlimited in life and so it can live the way it pleases. It is completely free to live its life how it wants to. It also has unlimited intelligence and awareness etc (all the things we have it will have and more , and to an unlimited extent too.) It is getting more and more strange/weird isn't it.

5- Has it made any contact with us ?,  it's creatures.  Maybe one of its billions of creatures in one of its billions and billions of creature worlds that it had decided to create?
How can we find out?
Have there been for instance people coming to us telling us they are sent by It to us?
Maybe they are called prophets or messengers.
Has there been a message come from It to us?
If so what?
All these are questions that can be asked.
Are there any answers?
You have now entered the world that I live in.
And this I believe is the world that believers in this Thing live in.
An amazing world where everything is possible and there is literally nothing that is not possible. Because that Thing can literally do everything.
Making universes is nothing for It.  Easy as doing nothing. Because It has unlimited power. So It can make billions of them and there would be no issue. Each may be a seed for a different world that would hold different creatures. It could create an unlimited number of creature types.
So where are we ?
Reality or fantasy.
Or is reality actually like fantasy but we are not aware ? ?
There is more to say but I think this far is enough for the moment.
Your comments please!
[Extra logic exists to say why It would be one and not two or three etc.
Also logic for why It is a Spirit rather than a Being that has a body.
But later on.
And obviously there is the knowledge that I don't know and may never know. You'll have to dig for that yourselves !]

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Alternative view of the natural world

under development- comments welcome

Yes a real alternative I believe.

Its called "Unfolding Variety Theory" or UV for short. ie that the idea of this universe is and of nature is to display an unfolding of variety in all things. plants animals etc etc

What is the basis of this theory?

Its based on Seed Theory.
This the theory that all around us in nature things grow and develop from seeds. Plants, humans, animals and also Universes. It is a general theory I believe.

How does it apply to universes, or our universe in particular?
Well this big bang was not really just a big bang. It was much more intricate. It was like how an intricate seed would open up , unfold and then follow a path of amazing development until it reached its final bloom, which is where we are in today, and have been for some time (eg 10s of thousands of years maybe). Before that the universe was busy expanding ie unfolding and following a path of development that would lead to where we are now. All ingeniously designed by a superior designer that exists and which has designed and created everything. I think Einstien used to refer to it as the Superior Spirit. A spirit because it can exist without the need for a body. As space came after it and not before it. So it was there before space existed. And so is not in need of a body to exist.

Ok, what does this unfolding and development process lead to?
It leads to the unfolding of Variety. Variety of life forms, variety of species.
Why is this Superior Spirit want to show us all this enormous variety?
To show us its ability and power of creativity and design and superior ability.
For example It can show us that it can operate at all different levels of maginification and scale. Eg at the level of atoms and sub atoms, to Universes and galaxies, not forgetting humans and animals and plants, cell life , bacteria and viruses etc. As well at different periods of time, from microseconds to billions of light years !
By showing us variety it is showing, I believe, its richness in ability.
Hence we can only bow down to its majesty in design and the development of the world that it has created for us.
All this yet it is invisible to us. Has made us unable to see It.

Why has it made us unable to see it?
Good question.


ali twaij