Thursday, October 3, 2013

How did Western Science become partially Sighted?

Audience for article: Everyone interested in science and especially targeting scientists (esp. physicists)

What is light made of?

An electric field exerts forces on things. What is it made of?

Ditto magnetic field.

Energy has a relationship with mass (e=mc^2), and mass can be converted to energy and energy to mass. So that means they are two different things. So what then is energy made of?  (Answer: Not mass ie not matter). So then what?

Why is it that current Western Science only asks what matter is made of but not light or fields or energy for example? What gives?
What's the secret?
Is there a secret?

Current Western Science (WS) seems to see everything as matter. Why?

And this is the reason I believe it has become partially sighted.

My thesis:
I believe this has happened as a reaction to the misuse of religion in the Christian world. Ever since then there seems to have been a need to blot out spirituality completely from science as a kind of revenge tactic. Or maybe to ensure illogical thinking never returns. Or maybe a bit of both.

The result is the equivalent of throwing the baby out with the bath tub. So we only want to know about matter. Anything that is not matter,  we deliberately or unconsciously ignore. And now we don't even realise we are doing this. We only focus on matter and the many particles its made from. The latest craze being the Higgs Boson particle I believe. It's like matter has become the God to be worshipped (remember the God particle?). And so the dive continues; into matter. Will we ever come out and look to our sides.
Maybe not. Our appetite is still big for matter.

Matter has hooked us in. And the pull is strong. And we don't want to look at light or fields or energy and realise that there are things that are not matter around us. How can we explain them? The door to the spiritual realm maybe be opened up and then where will this take us?
No let's stay in our safe zone. Anything to avoid religion. Even if it means sacrificing true science. This is where we are today I believe in this century.

Ok enough gloom: How do we become fully sighted is the question.

1-Start to accept that there are things other than matter. And that there might be a huge variety of them. Just we haven't been looking. Maybe 10, 000 type of different things.
2-Try to make peace with religion rather than stay in unhealthy conflict. It just makes us biased and blind. Eg The muslims in their golden times where able to do that and produced many scientists. Eg avicena, ibnrushd, alkhawarismi ('algorithms'). So it is possible. Also look at the Great Western scientists like Einstein and Newton. They were believers in a Creator and were not in conflict with It. And sure there are those who use religion for their own material interests and were fancy costumes to deceive the people and don't like using Logic. But we can inform people about them and their deception will go.

I think these are the main issues. My aim is to change the framework we are using.  So are you with me or against me?  I look forward to receiving your feedback. Please be nice ! :-)

Ali Twaij

3 Oct 2013

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